===================================================== EasyFast Viewer 1.38 BETA (C) COPYRIGHT MR.EASYTIM, 1999 PRODUCED ON Feb 20 One Mission : View the actual quality of images at peak performance (Execute EFV => Select Help -> Story of EFV...) ===================================================== **Enlarge the notepad windows to view * EFV for EasyFast Viewer !!!You should read all topics before using this software!!! -------------- 1 => Licensing information 2 => Things to do before installation 3 => Installation 4 => Uninstallation -------------- 1 => What's New 2 => Essential Tips for running EFV at peak performance 3 => Registraion Information 4 => How to get Support? --------------- 1 => Disclaimer of warranty 2 => Get latest Update( my homepage) 3 => Distribution 4 => How to contact the author? ======================================================= 1.) Licensing information ========================================================================= EasyFast Viewer 1.38 BETA is distributed as TRIAL SOFTWARE which means, it is free of charge for trying and using it.However,a message will be pop up when you run EFV 1.38 everytime as this software is still under development. There may be some bugs occur during running this application.(I couldn't find any bugs under win95 or win98 when i was testing) *See* [Disclaimer of warranty] Aslo Before you install and use this software. 2.) Things to do before installation ========================================================================= This software is designed for win95 and win98. (maybe winNT) ** For the user of previous version(1.3, 1.35, 1.36) You are recommended to uninstall the previous version before installing this latest update. If you have stored any images in C:\FavourPics Folder,Please Creat a Folder Called "PicFolder" under the Drive and move all the folders under "FavourPics" to C:\PicFolder\ .You may delete the empty "FavourPics" Folder. ** For the user of Latest version (1.38 BETA) No need to install VB5 runtimes again in Win98 as it has vb5 runtimes installed. **EFV can run properly in win98** EasyFast Viewer need VB5 runtimes installed on your system to run properly. If you couldn't run the program and got error(s).Please Download VB5 runtimes and install it to your system and run my program again. You may go to my homepage and go to Software part to download VB5 runtimes 3.) Installation ========================================================================= Extract all files from EFV138B.zip to an empty folder and run setup.exe. After the installation process has finished, you may delete all files in the folder. FAQ: Q : When i am running Slideshow, i paused the slideshow immediately as i see my favourite image.However, the another images has shown. How can i solve it? A : You may decrease the speed to "Medium" or "Fast" Faster speed will slow down the reaction of "pause". Q : Why do "PicFolder" has to be created under C Drive but not the other place? A : For much faster accession for those favourite images which you want to edit and store. 4.) How to uninstall the program completely? ========================================================================= 1, Go to Control Panel ==> Open Add/Remove Application ==> Select "EasyFast Viewer 1.38 DEMO" ==> Click "Add/Remove" Button and follow the screen to finish the uninstall procedures. 2, If you have created "PicFolder" folder and stored some images file to it, you may check all the images inside the folder and decide whether to delete the files(even remove the folder) or not. 3, (For Advanced User) Click "Start" button ==> Click "Run" ==> type regedit and press enter Find HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\EasyFast Viewer and delete "EasyFast Viewer" that key as you like. All other trademarks and registered trademarks are the sole property of their respective owners.